5 tips to the best permanent hair removal - DepSkin

5 tips to the best permanent hair removal

1. Always loofah CORRECTLY! – Ingrown hair not only looks horrible but can promote the hair to become stronger. On the body we recommend the riffi mitt with firm strokes against the hair growth. On the face we recommend using a brush against the growth of the hair, whether it’s a dry toothbrush on lips and eyebrows or a nail brush on the chin (even great for men’s beard ingrown irritations). Even if you don’t do any permanent removal solutions for another 10 years, the loofahing is a positive first step forward.

2. Knowing your options, solutions and resources. Often there can be a combination of solutions to help with your hair woes. IPL/Laser on its own can often not be enough, yet can be an excellent stepping stone (take lip hair removal for example) to keep the hair at bay for years. Sometimes to the point where you think it’s gone! Other times IPL can not treat the unwanted hairs and electrolysis despite having to treat a few times is a better option as IPL with a too low setting can develop and stimulate hair growth!

3. Know the risks and recovery/after care involved. What will make the treatment manageable and easy, so much so you don’t even have to see hair in-between treatments AND not worry about any reaction.. Electrolysis can be the perfect answer but doing some pre-IPL will mean less electrolysis and therefore less aftercare by you. Also often there are certain after care including mineral makeup, antiseptic treatments etc that is a saving grace. Regular makeup can be a hindrance and create more problems for you.

4 Have a concise plan of attack that is results based. We cycle growths to the perfect timing so that you will have an end point and can make an educated prediction. Regardless of doing electrolysis or IPL hair removal. Results based hair removal means you should get to the point where you do not have to continually treat for years and years. There comes a point where it’s actually not worth treating anymore because the result is there. The hair coming through after IPL that does not work is either not dark enough or not in the right cycle. The cycle we can easily shift/correct. Either way the therapist needs to give you another solution, whether it be electrolysis or waxing with specific aftercare.

5. Thorough consultation that is upfront and honest from both parties. This will go through your  hair removal history,  your medical history and general conversation related to the unwanted hair. The therapist should map out a treatment plan to suit you and your needs. The therapist should have a treatment time frame set out, with regular visits and an end date/time line, dependant on treated areas and growth cycles. You need to be completely knowledgeable on the procedure and outcome. Always ask questions as this will be in your favour.