The best wax possible, every time! - DepSkin

The best wax possible, every time!

Now, if you’ve been coming to Depskin for your waxing for a while you’ll be well rehearsed in our beliefs and you’ll probably be used to one of the first questions your asked each time you come in…

“When did you last wax?”

And you’ll also be familiar with…

“Wax regularly (every 4-6 weeks) and make sure you loofah DAILY”. And not just with any old loofah in any direction…

But do you know why we stress the importance of this routine?

Waxing regularly and loofahing daily not only results in the hair reducing over time… The hair cycles will slowly group together which means that instead of hairs growing through at all different times, they will start to grow at the same time. This means that all the hairs will start to wax out together, leaving you hair free for longer!

We also stress that you pick a regular interval with your waxing because if you leave it more than 6 weeks the hair will be too long and as a result, it will break when waxed. So those broken hairs will come back through the skin within a couple of days! This in turn, creates different cycles of growth as the few hairs that did wax out properly wont be back for 28 days and the ones that broke will be back before you know it!

Likewise, waxing too early will also create different growths because even though you may wax out the hairs that are long enough, the shorter hairs and the ones that aren’t yet through will then keep growing at different times…
The Riffi mitt is an absolute must and loofahing against the growth of the hair is essential.
These are all things we will explain to you each time you come in for a wax.
Sometimes, we might sound like broken records, but its only because we care!
And we want you to have the best wax every time!


Depilation and skin care, melbourne waxing specialists.

Depskin: Your Body, Your Beauty.