Light-based permanent hair reduction can reduce and soften hair from backs, chests, arms, underarms, bikini lines, buttocks and legs very effectively. Depskin only recommends treating the Face with Light based treatments in particular cases as this area is often hormonally driven and outcomes can be varied.
Permanent hair reduction is available for most skin types, and for most hair colors. Depskin will determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure based on a variety of factors. A general rule is the fairer the skin and the darker the hair- the better suited you are for treatment.
Light is used to target and destroy hair follicles responsible for hair growth without harming surrounding tissue, so there’s minimal risk.
Permanent hair reduction treatments take just minutes for small areas and up to one hour for larger areas.
Several treatment sessions are recommended for the best aesthetic outcome. Permanent hair reduction technology can only affect hair in active phases of growth, so several treatments are needed to affect all your unwanted hair. You don’t need to let hair grow out between treatment sessions.
Most people feel only a slight, momentary “snap” at the treatment site during the procedure.
Typically, most people experience a mild, sunburn-like sensation, possibly accompanied by some minor swelling, immediately after the treatment. This usually lasts 2 to 24 hours. Ask your provider to discuss other possible side effects and necessary post-treatment care with you.