IPL Light VS UVA&B Light - DepSkin

IPL Light VS UVA&B Light

As a hair removal therapist who specialises in IPL hair removal treatment I am asked this question quite a lot. I have spent many hours looking into this to give my clients clean and concise answers to help lay their fears to rest. This is what my ‘googling’ has come up with.

IPL hair removal machines have been used for the past 2 decades very safely by dermatologists and skin care professionals for all manner of treatments, including hair reduction, pigmentation concerns and spider vein removal.  IPL typically uses wavelengths of scattered light that are between 500-1500 nm, this is out of the spectrum of typical UV A and B light that is found in natural sunlight and tanning beds and so there is no evidence to suggest that IPL is carcinogenic.  The UV rays from the sun and tanning beds pose far greater risks for skin cancer.

The wavelengths that are used to destroy the papilla at the end of the hair follicle do not penetrate deep enough to heat the inner skin levels.


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Depskin: Your Body, Your Beauty


Melbourne based IPL hair removal.